
Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 3rd: Mark 7:14-23: What Defiles?

Jesus says something that is going to get him in trouble here. Their was the good law of God that God had given to Moses in the wilderness, but this law had been ignored and exchanged for a the law of the Pharisees. The law of God given to Moses was intended to set apart Israel, and make them different, and then point them to their need for a saviour and their inability to keep all of the law perfectly.
Jesus right here says that you are not defiled by what you eat. What you eat just goes into your stomach. Your sin issues are what defile you and they come from your heart.
The outward appearance is not what matters to Jesus. What matters to Jesus is that you are acting right, and that your attitude is correct. Sin is always a heart attitude problem that then manifests itself in an outward action. Let us check our hearts to make sure they are in line with the heart of God.

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