
Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 10th: Mark 8:31-33: Peter Puts his Foot in His Mouth Again

Jesus says something Peter does not like he. He says he is going to die. This shows that Peter did not fully understand what it meant for him to call Jesus the Christ. Peter must have been expecting a violent overthrow of the Roman government rather than the much more amazing salvation that is offered through Jesus death and resurrection.
In this passage Jesus predicts his death and resurrection to which Peter responds by rebuking Jesus.(Not a good idea to rebuke God). Jesus says in response to Peter “Get behind me, Satan! For you bare not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.” This is a rather stern comment by Jesus, but Peter needed to hear it. God had a plan and Peter needs to not get in the way of that plan. Peter still only sees dimly, he realises who Jesus is but he fails to see God's glorious plan. We, like Peter, need to make sure that our thoughts are on the things of God and that we are not hindering his work.

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