
Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 17th: Mark 8:30-32: The Disciples are Confused (again Part 2)

Jesus says it rather plainly. It doesn't get much more plain than this: “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And when he is killed, after three days he will rise.” They were confused though. Why? Ill give you two possible reasons, which I think are both the case:
1. They were still expecting Jesus to over throw the Roman government and set up his kingdom on earth.
They had yet to figure out that Jesus' true mission was of much greater importance than freeing the nation of Israel from its bondage to Rome, instead Jesus was going to free them from their slavery to Sin. If he was going to be a great political leader then he couldn't die.

2. I think they may have been in denial a little bit.
They had grown close to Jesus and they were not sure what they would do without him and because of this they did not want to hear anything about him dieing. They wanted him to continue leading them and continue teaching them.

The truth is if they had been able to get over their bias they would of found Jesus death a much less traumatizing event. Rather than it seeming like it was the worst possible thing that could of happened they would of realized instead that it was God's plan all along and that Jesus would not stay dead.

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