
Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19th: Mark 9:38-41: Disciples Get Jealous

Someone else is casting out demons in the name of Jesus. The person who is doing this is not one of the 12 disciple but is someone else. It seems to be working though. He is successfully casting out demons. The disciples are upset by this. Jesus quickly calms them down, and essentially explains that if they are doing his work they are doing the right thing.
Sometimes we get caught up in competition with other Christians. We want our church to be the biggest and the best so rather than advancing the kingdom of God we only advance our small portion of it. This is simply not the way things should be. We should want to expand God's kingdom not our own kingdom. This means that if another church is growing because they are preaching the gospel we should not be jealous we should rejoice along with them knowing that people are being added to the kingdom of God.

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