
Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2nd: Mark 7:1-13: Jesus Calls Out the Pharisees

We are going to the Pharisees, Sadducee, Scribes and Priests try to call Jesus us out on certain things throughout the rest of this book. These were the religious leaders of the day and they did not like all of the attention that Jesus was getting, because they wanted that a attention for themselves.
The had added to God's word and made specific rules up that they made other people follow. This is called legalism. Jesus called out the Pharisees on keeping their own tradition but not keeping the law of God.
The Bible says that we are supposed to honour our parents and part of this means to take care of them when they die. The Pharisees had a tradition that you did not have to help your parents and take care of them if the money you would of used to help them had been set apart for God. This is of course something that is not right. How often do we replace the law of God with our own rules?

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