Past John Piper once said "If you are standing on the edge of the grand canyon thinking of how great you are you are pathological." His point is if you are seeing or near something that is awe inspiring yet you are thinking how great you are then their is something wrong with you. I would say this also applies to the people who has been following Jesus.
Did you catch what this passage says? These disciples are arguing about who is the greatest! They have been following Jesus around and seeing him do all of these things. They heard his preach his sermons like the sermon on the mount where he talks about humility. Of course none of them were the greatest, Jesus is the greatest. And Jesus uses an illustration of a child to show them that need to have humility.
Really I think we are far too often like the disciples. Rather than focusing on the glory of God we are instead focused on our achievements and on how good we are. If our eyes and hearts are fixed on God then our pride will be demolished and we will find joy in our worship of him.
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