
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mark 16th: Mark 4:35-41: The Sea Does What Jesus Says

I do not know about you, but when I was a kid I would often hold my hand up in an attempt to stop wind. This may of been shortly after I watched Star Wars and would often try to use my force powers. Anyway, it never worked. I could not stop the wind. It just kept on coming. It would blow as if I did not exist.
Guess what? Jesus had control of the wind and storms. They did what he said. So in this passage today, the disciples and Jesus are on a boat. A vicious storm that is apparently very frightening to these fishermen who were following Jesus. When Jesus awakened from his rest, he calmly tells the wind and waves to stop, and they do. His disciples were shocked and awed by his power. But he questions their faith. In our lives it is often similar, each time God does something for us that is great we respond in awe, but we each time something bad happens to us we go back to worrying. God is in control, he has the power, and he helps us, let us trust him.

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