
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21st: Mark 6:1-6: It has to Be Hard To Be Rejected in Your Home Town

Every where Jesus went crowds followed. People listened to him and were in awe of him and what he said. Except for in his home town. In his home town people were more sceptical. In some ways that makes sense. He lived their his whole life and it had to be strange for them to see him doing this great miracles now. Also there may have been some jealousy. Well I grew up with Jesus why can’t I be the one travelling around preaching and healing. Because of their lack of faith he did not do many miracles. I think part of this issue is comfort. These people were comfortable with Jesus before he started his ministry, so that is how they still view him. We need to make sure that we do not get too comfortable with Jesus and his sayings and instead continue to let them impact our lives.

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