
Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 18th Mark 5:14-20: Jesus Gets Told To Go Away

So Jesus just cast a demon out of a man, but the people of this area do not care, they are only upset that when the demons left the man they went into the pigs and ran them off the cliff. The truth is that pigs were considered unclean by Jews and they should not of been keeping them any way. This is a trivial issue that they are being distracted by. Rather than being in awe that this formerly possessed man had been healed they are instead upset that they have had a loss of profit. The man who has been healed of the possession in the only man who respond correctly. He wants to follow Jesus, but instead Jesus tells him to tell others about him. The man listens, and does what Jesus said.
We have been healed of our sin, and we can respond like the formerly demon possessed man or the towns people. One did what Jesus said, the other ran him off.

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