
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22nd: Mark 6:7-13: Jesus Sends Out His Team

Splitting up, and going separate ways is often the best way to spread a message. Jesus paired off his disciples and sent them out teaching and healing and casting out demons. This does a couple of things. The first is that it allows his message to be spread more rapidly a group of people split up can cover more ground than a group of people who stay in one places. Second it prepares them for the work that they will be doing when Jesus is gone. Jesus is making these twelve men into people who can spread the message of the Gospel once Jesus is gone. This was his model, raise up men who can change the world when he is gone. These 12 men do in fact turn the world upside down after Jesus ascends into heaven. They also ended up using Jesus model and trained others to do the work they were doing, this is the best way to evangelise the world.

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