
Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 5th Mark 2:1-12: Authorty to Forgive

We have all heard this story before. The paralyzed man is lowered through the roof by his friends to be healed by Jesus. These men had tremendous faith This is usually the main point of the story taught in Sunday School, since I know you have heard that I want to take it in a slightly different direction. The scribes and pharisees (the Jewish religious leaders who thought they were better than everyone else) were not happy with Jesus’ statement that the mans sins were forgiven. Jesus read their thoughts. You should be careful around Jesus. Jesus tells them in verse 10 why he did it this way “But so you may know that the Son of Man has the authority on earth to forgive sins.” What the Pharisees were thinking is actually true, only God can forgive sins, thankfully God is right in front of them. Jesus has the authority over the natural over the supernatural and the authority to forgive sins.

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