
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Acts 8: Through the Persecution the Gospel Spreads

Before Jesus left he told the disciples that they were going to be witnesses for him not just in Jerusalem but in the surrounding areas, and to the end of the world. Up until this point in the book of Acts they have been solely in Jerusalem. But because of persecution the Christians are scattered and begin to spread the gospel to the surrounding area.
The Gospel begins to spread to Samaria. And two of the Apostles travel their to check out whats going on. An individual attempts to buy the power of giving the Holy Spirit. This early in the church someone is already attempting to use it for their own personal gain.
Also in this chapter we see the propagation of the Gospel to a man from Africa. Phillip is given the opportunity to tell a Ethiopian man about Jesus from the book of Isaiah once against showing that the entire Bible is about Jesus.
It is a tremendous comfort to know the God uses bad things for goods purposes like he did with the persecution of the early church.

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