
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Acts 6: Serving Widows

Often times in American culture we treat out elderly as outcasts. There is a focus on the young being important. The aged are often mocked for being out of touch, and treated as useless. This makes no sense, since the aged are often wiser than those having youth, and much can be learned from them. It is also not biblical, we need to be taking care of our elderly as is done in this passage.
There is a little strife in the church at this point. Apparently the Jewish Christians are overlooking the feeding of the Greek Christians’ Widows. This was a big problem that the Apostles took seriously. They stated that it is not what they should be focused on, but they realized it was important. So they elected 7 people called deacons to take care of the Widows in the church.

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