
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Acts 10: The Gospel For All

Up until this time, outside of the Ethiopian Eunuch, the people who had responded to the Gospel were either Jews, or Half-Jews.
The Jews were set apart to God. They were supposed to be different so that they would be a testimony of God before all the other peoples so that those peoples would also turn to God. But the Jews ended up looking at their differences with pride. They would not associate with any Gentiles, not eat with them or stay in their houses.
It actually takes a dream from God for Peter to understand that the Gospel is for all, but he in the end does understand this.
We need to be careful that we do not make the mistake of thinking that the Gospel is for us but not for them. Whoever "them" may be.
Regardless of race or nationality that Gospel should be proclaimed to all. So lets spread the goodnews of God to all people, not to just a select few.

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