Stephen in the last chapter was chosen to be one of the deacons. He was telling others about his faith and was soon arrested for it. When placed on trial he is given an oportunity to defend himself, and begins talking about Abraham and the begining of the nation of Israel. He does this for two reasons.
1. He shows that Israel has continually rejected God and his Prophets.
2. That the entirety of the Bible was leading up to Jesus.
He concludes by telling the people who have put him on trial that they are just like their ancestors, they killed Jesus whome God sent.
Telling his accusers this did not hel his case, they became very angry and stoned him. But to the last moment Stephen was a good witness for Jesus saying in verse 60 “ Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.”
Stephen is the first erson to be killed for his belief in Jesus.
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