
Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Cause and Solution To All of Life's Problems: James 4:1-10

In this passage we will see the root issue that causes all of our fighting and strife. We will see the problem that resides in our heart that is constantly at work as we argue and fight with our fellow Christians. This problem, this sin, is at the heart of every single one of these problems, and it is a sin that we all struggle with. It is the sin of pride and selfishness.

Verse 1
James starts out this section of his letter by asking a question, and this question could be asked like this : "Why do you fight and argue?" Notice that the question is not "Why are you currently in this argument?" If it said that the reader might be able to explain away the fight as something that someone else caused, or give any number of excuses, but the more broad question allows James to get to the root cause. James then gives you the answer: "Is it not this, are you passions not at war within you?" Passions could be better translated desires. We all have desires that are waging a war inside of us. We have the evil and sinful desires of pride and selfishness, and we have the good desires to serve and worship God, and these two desires are always fighting inside of us. When the selfish fulfillment of our desires wins this war than is when we find ourselves fighting with other believers.
Verse 2
James gives an extreme example to prove his point. His statement is intended to shock, but it is true. We need to look no further than the Old Testament story of David and Bathsheba to see that people, even people who worship God, may kill to get something that they want that belongs to someone else. This is a common theme in murder mystery's. Notice he goes on though to explain that the same sin is what causes us to fight with each other. James wants us to understand that when we want something that belongs to someone else (covet, which is an act born in selfishness and pride) we are guilty of a big sin, a sin that can lead to murder .
James then tells us that if we need something, why do we not ask God for it? Why do we need to fight over things when God can and will supply everything that we need?
Verse 3
James does not want us to think that God gives us everything that we ask for willy-nilly though. God gives us what we need, not everything we desire. If we are asking for selfish reasons we cannot expect God to give us the things we are asking for. It is absolutely incredibly when we think about it that we would use our God given gift of prayer to ask selfishly for things we do not need, but we do!
Verse 4
Having this jealousy and being selfish is a serious matter, and it shows that we are friends with the world. James goes on to say that if you are friends with the world then you are God's enemies. This is not a place that we want to be at.
Verse 5
This verse balances out the last one. We are enemies of God's because of our selfish and prideful nature, but the God of the universe jealously desires and yearns for our souls. God wants us! For God it is not a sin for him to be jealous, he is not wanting something that he does not deserve he wanting something that is already His! But God wants us, and he yearns for us. How beautiful is this picture? We are enemies with God but rather than seeking our judgment and punishment he is yearning for us to come back to him!
Verse 6
Yes, God is a gracious God, a very gracious God, he gives us more grace than we could possibly ever comprehend. We will spend the whole of our Christian lives, and eternity, trying to understand the depths of the mercy, grace, and compassion of God. Then we read "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." If we want God's grace we need to be humble. If we think that we are good enough, smart enough, strong enough or spiritual enough to earn God's favor we better think again. Our admission of our need for God's help is humility, and thinking, or living, like we do not need God's help is pride.
verse 7
Our humble spirit will lead to our submission to God. If we admit that we need God then we will do what he says , rather than thinking we can do this on our own. Notice when we are humble and submissive to God we will find that we are capable of standing up to Satan, and that when we do, by God's grace he will run away with his tail between his legs.
Verse 8
Notice the series of events here, we humble ourselves before God in our spirit, which causes us to submit to him and do what he says, which causes us to draw near to him and then he draws near to us. Who wants to be near to the most powerful and gracious being in the universe? I can think of no better place to be!
The next sentence talks about washings and the original audience would of known he was referencing the ceremonial washings of the Old Testament. These washings were supposed to be symbolic of an inward change of heart and the living of a pure lifestyle. These washing were worthless apart from the actions of pure living, In the same way living a moral life is worthless apart form the humility which drives us to the cross of Jesus Christ. Living a moral life will gain us nothing apart from the salvation offered by the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We do not live a moral life so that we are saved, we live a moral life because Jesus saved us and empowers us to live that life.
Verse 9
This grace that we have been given is not a license sin. We should take our sin very seriously and when we fall into sin we should weep over it, not laugh over it. We far too often joke about our sin when we instead should be broken over it. Jesus died to free us from sin, yet we choose to live in it anyway. When we sin we should be driven to our knees in continual repentance.
Verse 10
We can choose to attempt to exalt ourselves, and find that we fail. We can live our lives proud of who we are and what we have done. We can laugh and joke and brag about the sins that we have committed. Or we can humble ourselves before God and be exalted by him. How are we exalted by him? He adopts us into his family. Why is this an exaltation? Because we become co-inheritors with Jesus of a perfect body, and a perfect eternity.

We fight and we argue. We have strife and problems. All of these problems are caused by our pride and selfishness. When we are prideful we are deceived. When we think we are good enough we are living a lie, and when we are humble it means that we see what we truly are, and we see who God truly is. The best way for us to stay humble is too constantly live with the Gospel on our minds. Understanding that our place as adopted sons of God comes only by the power of God.

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