
Friday, April 6, 2012

Black Friday April 6th- Trial and Execution

Matt 26:57-27:26 (trial)
Jesus was tried, by multiple people. It was a joke of a trial honestly though. Accusations were made, and Jesus was ultimately killed for claiming to be the Christ (Messiah), which he was. So he was executed for telling the truth.
Furthermore the Roman authority (Pilate, the regional governor) found nothing wrong with him at all. Thought he was completely innocent, even tried to release him, but the crowds wanted Jesus to be crucified.
Matt 27:27-54 (execution)
And Jesus was crucified. He was beaten and whipped, mocked, even had his beard plucked. He was nailed to a piece of wood to die a slow death through blood loss and asphyxiation (suffocation). Jesus, the king of kings, the messiah was bleeding to death, and soon he died. But with his death some other things happened, that should give us hope on this dark day. Vs 51 says “And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.” The curtain separating God from the world was torn in two. Oh that promise of hope, the significance of this act should not go unnoticed. The temple was no longer needed, man, through the actions of Jesus Christ has access to God without a priest other than Jesus Christ!

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