
Friday, January 27, 2012

Proverbs 27: Listen to the Right People

There are certain people in your life that are going to help you going forward. They are going to help you to as you go forward in life. Their are other people who are in your life that are going to drag you down, and make it so that you can not progress forward in your Christian life. Verese 6 says “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” Your friends are going to tell you painful truths at times. They know when you are straying from the path, and when you are doing wrong things. They will tell you this. And you may get offended. These are faithful wounds though, they are wounds that you need. Your enemies, those who will drag you down, will tell you that everything is okay, and that you are not doing anything wrong. You need to determine, now, who is who, so that you can listen to your true friends and grow because of it.

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