
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Proverbs 12: Sometimes It is Best Not To Speak

When I was younger I had a tendency to speak on a subject even when I knew nothing about it, just so that I could fit it or join in a conversation. Sometimes it worked, I guessed right, or the other people did not know anything about the subject either, so I was able to sound smart. Most of the time though, I found myself in a horrible situation where I had been caught making up things to sound smart. I of course got routinely made fun of for these incidents, all because I would open my mouth when I shouldn't have.

Surprisingly enough the Bible speaks to such things like this in verse 23: “The shrewd person conceals knowledge, but foolish people publicize folly.”

I was publicizing folly, and boy, was it obvious. If I had kept my mouth shut, no one would have known that I did not know anything about the topic at hand. That is what this verse says. How often is it better that we keep our mouths shut?

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